Machine Frames Made of Wood

Roland Stawinoga

Wednesday 18th September 2019

At present, wood is barely used in lifts at all. However, as the number of high-rise buildings made of wood continues to increase, it seems only logical to consider using wood for lift construction as well. This article provides information on the special characteristics of wood as a building material and describes some extraordinary opportunities for reducing energy consumption and environmental impact – and thus producing better lifts. In particular, this article describes how wood can be used efficiently as the machine frame, which supports the motor and pulley in the machine room and maintains the distances specified for the rope from the car and counterweight, while achieving the best possible angle of wrap for the rope around the traction sheave. Apart from this example, the author describes generally how wood should be used to a greater extent in lift construction, not only to improve aspects such as noise insulation within the building, but also as a means of reducing costs and increasing sustainability.

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