Elevgraphy for Lift Energy Code in Hong Kong

Albert T.P. So, Thomas Li and S.K. Liu

Monday 1st May 2000

The Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lift and Escalator Installations (Lift Energy Code) was drafted in 1998 in Hong Kong. Quite different from the conventional statutory regulations on lifts and escalators in Hong Kong, the Lift Energy Code places the emphasis on the performance of the installations in terms of motor drives, traffic analysis and electric power quality etc. In this paper, I shall introduce the various items inside the code. Furthermore, in order to check whether an installation complies with the electrical requirements inside the Lift Energy Code, a new system, Elevgraphy, was developed. Elevgraphy is a system consisting of a synchronised high-speed oscillogram and a synchronised comfort recorder. A software package, ElevWare, is used to analyse the raw data to produce 12 Elevgrams for each lift for either a full-load up or full-load down journey. Besides an assessment for the compliance of the Lift Energy Code, Elevgraphy is a useful system for condition based maintenance of elevator systems.

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