Traffic Analysis for a Multi Car Lift System Used as Local Group

Stefan Gerstenmeyer

Wednesday 19th September 2018

In a circulating multi car lift system, multiple lift cars are sharing shafts. Shafts are used as one way tracks and cars are changing between shafts horizontally. Handling capacity depends on the time between two subsequent cars (multi car cycle time). If these transportation systems are used in buildings as local groups, people’s individual destinations lead to different stops of cars. That affects the average multi car cycle time. This paper explores the average multi car cycle time in a pure incoming traffic situation of a multi car lift systems used as local group considering quality of service constraints. The traffic analysis is established by applying Monte Carlo simulation that calculates an additional multi car cycle time avoiding “traffic jams”. Based on a simplified calculation model handling capacity results are presented for different numbers of served floors and different numbers of passengers per car. Results are affected by floor to floor distances and required distances between cars.

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