Lift Modernisation Challenges

Roger Howkins

Wednesday 20th September 2017

Question – What are the lift modernisation challenges? Currently there are no published definitive codes, standards and not many guidelines what constitutes a lift modernisation. Based on this fact how could we have confidence that the planned lift modernisation will be safe mechanically, structurally and electrically? Also, how could we make sure that the appointed lift contractors will have the required skill sets to design and sign off the completed works? For new lift installations, the code BS 5655-6:2011 is very specific what type of design information needs to be provided. According to this code the client’s representative needs to provide various documents and information including but not limited to structural loading, vertical shaft alignments and requirements for fixing guide brackets. Unfortunately, this information exchange is not required for a lift modernisation. For lift modernisations the successful lift contractor will also have to comply with many relevant statutory regulations. In the UK many important requirements are stated in Health and Safety at Work Act, Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER). For every country specific and local regulations will apply.

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